Tales from last weekend’s Imagine Cup North East Hackathon

I spent much of the weekend at the Imagine Cup North East Hackathon; for those of you who don’t know the Imagine Cup is Microsoft’s world wide student competition. This event was to help students in the North East of England to get there entries kick started before their regional final in a few weeks, which lead to the UK finals and for one team the worlds in Russia in July.

The event seemed a great success, everyone seemed to enjoy it and we mentors saw huge progress in the entries of all the teams. Not just in new code written, but arguably the more important areas of better team working and presentation skill.

You can see the event’s Twitter comments on the hashtag #ICNE and there are some photos on the Black Marble Facebook page.

So does this sound interesting, whether as a student or mentor? If so have a think about entering/helping next year (getting a bit late for this year). Encourage teams near you to get involved.
