Setting Azure DevOps 'All Repositories' Policies via the CLI
The Azure DevOps CLI provides plenty of commands to update Team Projects, but it does not cover all things you might want to set. A good example is setting branch policies. For a given repo you can set the policies using the Azure Repo command eg:
1az repos policy approver-count update --project <projectname> --blocking true --enabled true --branch main --repository-id <guid> --minimum-approver-count w --reset-on-source-push true --creator-vote-counts false --allow-downvotes false
However, you hit a problem if you wish to set the 'All Repositories' policies for a Team Project. The issue is that the above command requires a specific --project parameter.
I can find no way around this using any published CLI tools, but using the REST API there is an option.
You could of course check the API documentation to work out the exact call and payload. However, I usually find it quicker to perform the action I require in the Azure DevOps UI and monitor the network traffic in the browser developer tools to see what calls are made to the API.
Using this technique, I have created the following script that sets the All Repositories branch policies.
Note that you can use this same script to set a specific repo's branch policies by setting the repositoryId in the JSON payloads.