Registration is open for the Global DevOps Bootcamp 2020 @ Black Marble


I am really pleased to say that we at Black Marble are again hosting a venue for this year’s edition of the Global DevOps Bootcamp on Saturday May 30th 2020.

For those who have not been to a previous GDBC event at Black Marble, or any of the other 70+ venues across the work, what can you expect on the day?

  • A video keynote from an Industry Leader in the DevOps field
  • A local keynote developing the topics of the bootcamp
  • The remainder of the day is made up of team based hands on exercises.

Lat years content can be seen here, this years will be all new.

It is worth stressing that this event is not a competition. It is a day of learning for people of all levels of experience. We encourage the forming of teams that are cross skill and include all levels of experience. The key aims for the day are that everyone learns and has a great time.

Oh, and did I mention it is a FREE event and lunch will be provided.

For more details have a look at that the central GDBC 2020 site

We do have limited spaces so if you are interested in booking your place please register here