Our SunFire x2100 application servers, running Windows 2003 R2, are configured with Nvidia RAID system (built into the motherboard) to mirror the pair of SATA drives in each servers. Two of these servers keeps losing the mirrors, but a third, and a SunFire x2200, do not. When this happens Windows hanging - not good in …
Read MoreI did my presentation on Scrum last night for the Extreme programming club in Leeds, seemed to go down well. A lively discussion was had on Scrum and a whole bunch of agile issues. If anyone has questions post them on the club forum. The next meeting on 12th of April an Extreme Hour, an audience participation event on …
Read MoreI decided to completely rebuild my media center PC as I was making no progress on the problems I had discussed in my previous post. I dropped in a new hard disk as drive C: (leaving in my old one to allow me to copy data off) and installed Vista Ultimate, no problems there. It did not find drivers for my ASUS …
Read MoreI will be speaking about Scrum at the second Yorkshire Extreme Programming Club meeting next Thursday 8th March at the Victoria Hotel in Leeds. So if you are interested in a quick introduction to Scrum, or just want to meet other developers in the Yorkshire region interested in Agile methods come along.
Read MoreThe new Yorkshire Extreme Programing Club seems to be getting off to a good start. The first meeting was well attended and there is activity on the message board. Take a look at http://www.extremeprogrammingclub.com/
Read MoreI recently had one of our Windows 2003 server lose it's disk mirrors and locked up. When it was restarted it has two (virtually idenitical) drives C: and E:. It booted off the primary mirror disk (C:) and all seemed OK except SQL. I also tried booting off the secondary mirror (E:) but this would not boot (this drive it …
Read MoreIf installing the Cassini Personal Server on a PC you will often get the "Cassini managed web server failed to start listening to port 80. Possible conflict with another web server on the same port." error. You of course think this is a firewall, other web server or anti virus port blocker problems IT IS NOT! …
Read MoreToday I moved this blog server from an old server to our nice shinny new ones. This meant splitting it so the DB to the dedicated SQL server and the front end to the new web server box. This cause a few problems. The actual move was fine, just back and restore the DB and copy over the ASP.NET web contents. I then …
Read MoreTime for a bit of a follow up on my server name issues with TFS. As expected there is correct way to alter the names of the various TFS servers, it involves editing the contents of one of the TFS database tables, not any config file. The best documentation I have found is that for setting up the new ISAPI filter …
Read MoreI got the West Yorkshire British Computer Society branch news letter today and I saw there is an extreme programming club being set up locally, the first meeting is in Leeds on Thur 8th Feb at Victoria Hotel, Great George St at 7pm. You can find the blog for the group at http://extremeprogrammingclub.blogspot.com/ I …
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