Making SonarQube Quality Checks a required PR check on Azure DevOps
This is another of those posts to remind me in the future. I searched the documentation for this answer for ages and found nothing, eventually getting the solution by asking on the SonarQube Forum
When you link SonarQube into an Azure DevOps pipeline that is used from branch protection the success, or failure, of the PR branch analysis is shown as an optional PR Check
The question was 'how to do I make it a required check?'. Turns out the answer is to add an extra Azure DevOps branch policey status check for the 'SonarQube/quality gate'
When you press the + (add) button it turns out the 'SonarQube/quality gate' is available in the drop-down
Once this change was made, the SonarQube Quality Check becomes a required PR Check.