Getting ‘… is not a valid URL’ when using Git TF Clone

I have been attempting to use the Git TF technique to migrate some content between TFS servers. I needed to move a folder structure that contains spaces in folder names from a TPC that also contains spaces in its name. So I thought my command line would be

1git tf clone “http://tfsserver1:8080/tfs/My Tpc” “$/My Folder”’ oldrepo --deep

But this gave the error

1git-tf: “http://tfsserver1:8080/tfs/My Tpc” is not a valid URL

At first I suspected it was the quotes I was using, as I had had problems here before, but swapping from ‘ to “ made no difference.

The answer was to use the ASCII code %20 for the space, so this version of the command worked

1git tf clone http://tfsserver1:8080/tfs/My%20Tpc “$/My Folder”’ oldrepo --deep

Interestingly you don’t need to use %20 for the folder name