Updated 22 Mar 2016 This tasks is available in the VSTS Marketplace I have previously posted on how a PowerShell script can be used to run StyleCop as part of vNext VSTS/TFS build. Now I have more experience with vNext tasks it seemed a good time to convert this PowerShell script into a true task that can deploy …
Read MoreUpdate 6 Feb 2016 - I have made some major changes to this task to expose more parameters, have a look at this post that details the newer version Today a good way to pull together all your measures of code quality is to run SonarQube within your automated build; in a .NET world this can show changes in quality over …
Read MoreThere have been some requests for more information about the areas I convered in my presentation at the Black Marble Tech Update 2016 that we held last week. I could send out slides, but I think it is far more useful to point you at the ‘live’ resource on the Internet. The key reason for this is that the whole of the …
Read MoreOne of the things I showed at NDC was a Raspberry Pi 2 with a FEZ Cream Hat (I know that sounds just so wrong, but that is its name). The FEZ Cream offers Gadgeteer ports out of the Pi, which is just awesome. What this means in reality is you get objects to program against not ports and lines which is mush easier; for …
Read MoreThe Intel Edison unit is great for building IOT, people have been asking where to get the bits and for more general information http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/do-it-yourself/edison.html I would suggest getting the Arduino kit to get started with. I enjoy the Xadow(below) much more but I struggled to get the …
Read MoreI strongly recomend you watch a great security talk on IOT by Clemens Vasters and Dan Rosanova https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Build/2015/2-625 NDC London 2016 Talks (Videos not up yet, will update as soon as they are ready) Barry Dorrans + Troy Hunt b.
Read MoreThis is the list of recomended books on IOT I shared in my session Enterprise IOT O'Reilly http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920039433.do Abusing the Internet of Things O'Reilly http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920033547.do I will update this as I find and approve of new books b.
Read MoreI had a great time at NDC 2016. It was a very well organised event, everybody enjoyed the event, content and the food. Huge thanks to the great and efficient organisation by the NDC team. Also thanks to the great people with clearly great taste who attended my talk. I am separating the post into a few areas so I can …
Read MoreAs I discovered during my BlogEngine upgrade, there is an effort within the project team to focus the codebase on three possible usage models on any given BlogEngine server instance: Single blog with a user – a personal blog (default) Single blog with many users – a team/company blog Many blogs each with a single user …
Read MoreI have just completed the upgrade of this blog server to the new release 3.2 of BlogEngine.NET. I did a manual upgrade (as opposed to the automated built in upgrade) as I needed to make a few changes from the default settings. The process I used followed the upgrade process document Downloaded the latest release and …
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