I have just adding some Performance Counters to instrument some code and had a few issues that are worth knowing about. I created two categories of counters using the following code: //Create a category with a single counter PerformanceCounterCategory.Create( "categoryName", "categoryDescription", …
Read MoreAfter years of discussions with clients that their ever and rapidly changing requirements could only be met if we implemented a telepathic interface to read their users minds, Microsoft have done the decent thing and released Microsoft® ESP™. Now Microsoft are saying that ESP is a toolkit to allow developers to build …
Read MoreThe BizTalk Server Management Pack for Operations Manager 2007 is a management pack for discovery and monitoring of BizTalk Server components and applications. This new management pack includes monitoring for most of the new R2 Features Suspended Message Alerts Alert Suppression Policy Native EDI BAM Technical …
Read MoreSaw an excellent play last night, Hapgood at the West Yorkshire Playhouse. For those who have no heard if it, it is a Tom Stoppard play about spies and physics set in the late 80s. I know of two plays that take their theme from quantum uncertainly, this one and Copenhagen, both nights out I have really enjoyed. They …
Read MoreWe try to dogfood here at Black Marble so I'm writing this on my HTC TYTN. How? With Richard's new app
Read MoreBurley Kawasaki has just announced at the Microsoft Insight 2008 conference that in BizTalk 2006 R3 that Microsoft has Acquired from Covast some of their advanced B2B functionality specifically around new vertical industries ( details to come ) , this will be a no cost addition to BizTalk 2006 R3. b.
Read MoreMatt Deacon (Microsoft) runs a significant set of Architecture events certainly in the UK. Over the last two days several of the Black Marble architects and seniors have been at the Microsoft Insight Conference 2008. There has been a great range of topics split roughly into Infrastructure , Solutions , SaaS and …
Read MoreThe lack of 64Bit TFS API DLLs is becoming a real pain for me. We have committed to a 64Bit server architecture for all our IIS and hence MOSS servers; both of these seem unable to WOW64 the 32bit TFS DLLs (though Cassini can!) so I cannot load any web front ends that use TFS such as eScrum or anything home grown on my …
Read MoreI have just uploaded the first release of my BlogWriter for Smart Devices which allows you to post new messages to blog servers that uses the MetaBlog API. My aim was to provide a LiveWriter like application for devices like my HTC PDA. In the zip file you will find these instructions and a .CAB file. The installation …
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