is the new home for the Agile Yorkshire user group. If you follow the link you will see that next months subject is Test Doubles: An Introduction To Unit Test Patterns. Unfortunately I won't able able to make this session as I will be out of the country, but sounds interesting.
Read MoreYou may have seen on a few blogs that Skills Matter are organising the Progressive .NET Tutorials, a 3 day event in May. I have to say that the selection of speakers is excellent including Hammett, Ayende Rahien, David Laribee, Gojko Adzic, Ian Cooper, Mike Hadlow, Scott Belware and Sebastien Lambla; on subjects such …
Read MoreOne of the interesting pieces of work we get involved in are rescue projects. Rescue projects can be thought of projects that aren’t delivering or won’t deliver either to timescales, feature requirements or quality. In a rescue project there are many areas that normally need addressing: Project Management, …
Read MoreIf you are in the BizTalk world, I would recommend reading the BizTalk Hotrod. it looks like Todd has stepped down from BizTalk Hotrod , he mentioned he was moving when we were at TechED US last year. Rajinder has taken over and it looks like he is off to a cracking start. Get it here b.
Read MoreYou may remember that I ended my previous post with about 1.6Gb free on the 8Gb SSD of the Mini 9 after installing Windows 7. I still needed to install Office 2007, or at the very least Word and Excel for the ‘book to be useful. I therefore rummaged out another 16Gb SD card and revisited my earlier vista post about …
Read MoreThere is a bit more information on the the Alt.Net conference now at Registration will open next week at noon on Tuesday the 24th February.
Read MoreIn my previous post about getting Windows 7 onto the fantastic Dell Mini 9 I talked about solving things like the driver issues and antivirus. This time I’m going to cover how I installed Windows 7 onto the 8Gb SSD version of the Mini 9. Interestingly, Windows 7 will actually install in about 8Gb. However, when I tried …
Read MoreOn the same day as the Alt.Net event I am organising there is a community event at TVP 'WebDD'09 - With all the latest stuff from MIX 09'. We are spoilt, there is so much choice in the community events at this time of year
Read MoreI am please to be able to announce that there will be an Open Space Conference in Bradford on the 17/18th April this year. I had mentioned my intension of organising such an event at the last London conference, but it has taken a bit longer than expected to get sorted due to problems with getting the venue. The …
Read MoreAt todays Azure event I heard a new word for my occasional buzz word posts. Marketechture - an architecture designed by marketing for use in Powerpoint
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