I’ve been using Windows 7 for a while now, but I’ve never needed to install the System Center Capacity Planner (Andy usually handles that side of our SharePoint engagements). He now has taken the plunge with Microsoft’s shiny OS and hit a problem: SCCP refused to install with an error message saying it was only …
Read MoreThanks to everyone who attended my session at SQLBits IV. My slides on Visual Studio 2008 Database edition GDR release can be downloaded from the Black Marble website. Also a bit thank you to the organiser for putting on such as successful event, it is really good to not have to travel to the London or Reading for IT …
Read MoreAs I am sure you noticed there was an unfortunate clash of dates between Alt.net 'in the North' in Bradford and WebDD in Reading on the 18th of April. Well I see that WebDD over the weekend has published it's agenda, opened registrations and is now full. So if you are disappointed that you can't get a place for the …
Read MoreToday I was told by the BCS that I have been awarded Fellow of the Society (FBCS) , I so very proud of the work the BCS is doing to improve the community and I feel that I am pushing to do my bit in the North of England (and the rest of the country given the opportunity occurs) I was waiting for some pictures (yet to …
Read MoreThe 4th annual Architect Insight Conference has just been announced and this year I am happy that Black Marble is helping make it happen. I will be presenting on Microsoft's Vision of modelling using “M” , I think M has a huge future in architecture and while it is only available in it base level , it is important to …
Read MoreAs well as speaking on the GDR release of VSTS Database Edition at SQLbits this weekend I will also be at VBug Newcastle on the 22nd April.
Read MoreWhilst preparing for my session at SQLBits next weekend I was re-watched Gert Drapers' PDC session (TL45) where he used a command tool to deploy a database via a USB pen drive (about 30 minutes into the session). Now it seems that the createdeployment command line tool he used is not currently available outside …
Read MoreOn 12 May, we are hosting a Business Process Management Event here at Black Marble HQ, with PNMSoft. With a practical guide to Business Process Management in the “Real World” this could be the session you need to understand how BPM can aid your business. Great lunch included …
Read MoreI have been away at the MVP summit and then on holiday for a couple of weeks. On this trip every hotel I stayed in had free internet, though often only wired. Seem many hotels have Wifi contracts with mobile phone companies and they are still charging for. So top tip make sure you have UTP cable in your bag. The 'most …
Read MoreI did a post before going to the MVC summit called Do you need work item hierarchy in TFS? which mentioned the new tools from Notion for TFS. Well there are many ways to skin a cat, and also to produce a hierarchy of TFS work items. Also have a look at Artiso Workitem Manager. This product is interesting as it provides …
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