I posted a while ago about how I had automated the generation of social media posts for my static Hugo based website using Azure Logic Apps. The other place I auto-generate social media posts is from releases via my project's Azure DevOps Pipeline builds. These use a YAML Pipeline Template that calls a Marketplace task …
Read MoreBackground When working with Azure DevOps, you may need to access the REST API if you wish to perform scripted tasks such as creating work items, or generating reports. Historically, you had to use a Personal Access Token (PAT) to do this. If you look in my repo of useful Azure DevOps PowerShell scripts you will find …
Read MoreBackground I have recently been looking at creating multiple of the same resource using Bicep. There is however a condition where I would wish for the set of resources not to be deployed. The following stages show my work through of this particular problem (using a storage account resource as an example): Conditional …
Read MoreBackground We use Lability to build Windows Server images for our test labs. Lability makes use of Desired State Configuration (DSC) to build the VM images. Part of this process is for Lability to download DSC modules, as ZIP files, from a NuGet feed such as PowerShell Gallery to inject into the created VM image. …
Read MoreBackground I have recently been playing around with some of the Bicep functions when I came across a pattern by Microsoft called the Shared Variable File Pattern. This nifty pattern describes a method in which you can extract what would either be commonly used or complex configuration values away from your Bicep …
Read MoreI make every effort keep all my Azure DevOps Pipeline extensions reliable as I know they are used by many people, but mistakes happen. Yesterday I released an updated version of my ReleaseNotes task that introduced a bug if the pipeline produced no artifacts. I am pleased to say I have fixed the bug, and addressed this …
Read MoreBackground At Black Marble we have our own private build agents, but they are built using the same Packer process as the Microsoft hosted ones. I recently rebuilt our agents to match the latest version of the hosted agents, and I ran into an issue with some .NET 3.1 based x86 MSTests. The tests were failing with the …
Read MoreBackground I was recently trying to use PowerShelGet Install-Package to install a module from an Azure DevOps Artifacts hosted PowerShell Gallery using the following script 1# For authentication use a PAT as the password, UID can be anything 2$PATcreds = Get-Credential 3Register-PSRepository -Name BM -SourceLocation …
Read MoreAzure Logic Apps Azure Logic Apps is an Azure Integration Service (AIS) that provides you the ability to create and run automated workflows with little to no code. Consumption Logic Apps are developed using the visual designer within the Azure Portal. If you are new to developing Azure Logic Apps, there is great …
Read MoreProblem Space I ran into a problem the other day working with the Fluent UI React component Controlled Multi-select Dropdown. As context, here is my redacted code and explanation: import { Dropdown, IDropdownOption } from 'office-ui-fabric-react'; // office-ui-fabric-react@7.204.0 export interface State { …
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