Black Marble’s Social Network
Consider this a reminder of all the different ways you can engage with Black Marble.
You can follow us on Twitter. Keep up to date with where we are, what events are running, what key staff are blogging about and generally any breaking news.
Do Programmers Dream in Byte Code?
But it works on my PC!
Steve Spencer
When Software Attacks!
Read our blogs – Robert Hogg, Richard Fennell, Steve Spencer and Rik Hepworth (all listed on the left).
Plus all the BM-Bloggers in one place (right)
You can like us on Facebook – catch up with conferences and events we’re attending, as well as our Photo albums.
You can join our Network on LinkedIn (right) – ask questions, start discussions, we’re around to answer any queries you have. Plus keep up to date with our news and events.
Or follow Black Marble on LinkedIn (left)– any new services, staff changes and news.