A Peek into the Geek Den …

Ever wondered what it takes to keep geeks happy?  Running HR for a company full of hardcore geeks means more than keeping the milk fresh and the lights switched on.

Black Marble is a deeply technical software house, and that means our staff are mostly developers.  And it's one of my responsibilities to ensure that our developers have a comfortable working environment.  It's not easy keeping a geek house - it has needs unlike any other office ... more kinds of pop (soda) than you can imagine (on any given day, you can find 7 different varieties of Coke ... and that's not counting the guest cokes that accompany our conference-hopping staff back to our fridge).  On top of that ... there's the eerie glow coming from many corners of the office at lunchtime ... when the Halo wars break out!  Plus all those gadgets ... contrary to popular opinion, they don’t just appear overnight!

On top of that, some of the younger generation of geeks are lacking an understanding of their cultural beginnings … I mean how could they not have seen “Blade Runner” ??

So I will take this opportunity (and this blog …) to share with you what makes geeks tick.
