Accessing Team Information using Team Foundation 11 SDK

Written against Visual Studio/Team Foundation beta; so subject to any changes in the SDK.

Team Foundation Server 11 has the notion of teams; and its possible to assign work and iterations to multiple teams within a single Team Project.

I was searching for  a way to access the Team information via the Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client  API and stumbled over the TfsTeamService class.

Add a reference to Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Client.dll.

Note: The tfs assemblies can be found either in the GAC or under the folder  %programfiles%\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE

Create a connection to TFS project collection:

1Uri collectionUri = new Uri(@"http://<server>:8080/tfs/<tpcName>"); TfsTeamProjectCollection tfsConnection= new TfsTeamProjectCollection(collectionUri, new UICredentialsProvider());

Create an instance of the TfsTeamService class and call the Initialize method passing in the connection

1  TfsTeamService teamService = new TfsTeamService();     teamService.Initialize(tfsConnection);

You now must query the Team Information by calling a method on the TfsTeamService instance. There are 3 possible methods to use:

//The project URI - this is the identifier for the Team Project you're looking within.

1//To retrieve the project URI you need to iterate the team projects - see TFS 2010 on MSDN 

string projectUri

1          = @"vstfs:///Classification/TeamProject/7356cf03-278b-4b04-8915-eb50d29665ca"; 
5//1. Returns the default team in the Team Project

TeamFoundationTeam defaultTeam = teamService.GetDefaultTeam(

1                projectUri,  
            new List<String>() 
1                );     
5//2. Returns a specific team in the Team Project based on the teamname parameter provided

TeamFoundationTeam specificTeam = teamService.ReadTeam(

1                projectUri, 
1                new List<String>() 

//3. Returns all the teams in the Team Project

1IEnumerable<TeamFoundationTeam> allTeams = teamService.QueryTeams(projectUri);
5Now that you have the Team Information you can access it properties as expected. For example to console output a list of members in a team you can use:
8TeamFoundationIdentity\[\] teamMembers=   team.GetMembers(tfsConnection, MembershipQuery.Expanded); foreach (var member in teamMembers) { Console.WriteLine("  {0}", member.DisplayName); foreach (var item in member.GetProperties())     { Console.WriteLine("       {0}: {1}", item.Key, item.Value);                       } }