Name Space Collisions

We have been suffering some staff problems recently, everybody we hire has a name that is already in use elsewhere in the company. So we have decided to reorganise the Black Marble name space, initial thoughts included post name numbering , but nobody could agree if the numbering base should be zero or one and Richard 0 was not complementary (Rik however liked the idea of being No 2) . The usual list of server/workstation naming suggestions came and went but in the end the solution came when clearing out the freebies cupboard and some of the devs took some old BM Red polo shirts. So next time you are visiting say hello to some of our interns Ensign's Disposable,Expendable and Der Trihs , you will be able to find them crawling around in the Jefferies tubes before being send out as part of a customer landing party.


Update : the sad part is most of our Interns think of STNG as the old Star Trek and don't get the joke.

Technorati tags: Black Marble, Humour