Business Process Automation and Integration in the Cloud

Organisations are facing increased, and unprecedented, pressure from the market to transform digitally, and as a result, they need to think how they can become more attractive in their specific market space. The most common area to concentrate on is becoming more efficient, and this can be thought of in discrete parts: streamlining internal, often complex, business processes, making the organisation easier to work with for suppliers or customers, having better cross business views on information, improving service delivery, or saving on manual processing. All these efficiencies are brought to bear by automation, whether this is person to system data sharing, system to system, business to business; the same principles apply but different techniques may be used.

Today most organisations run their business on systems that run across multiple heterogeneous environments. This poses interoperability issues and other such difficulties. To achieve this, businesses need to look to integrating the data solutions to provide easy access to standard data across internal and external systems, layering on top of business process automation.

Business process automation is now an entity will define business processes, and automate them, so they can be run repeatedly and reliably, at a low cost, with a reduction in human error.