WiFi on the Acer Travelmate 2350

This one really got me. I was trying to get the built in WiFi working on a new Acer 2350. Windows XP saw the built in IPN2220 fine, but got no signal strength, but a Netgear USB WiFi worked fine in the same PC

After much fiddling and time on Internet I found the problem, there is a small black flight mode switch on the left hand side (near the audio connectors). Move this and the WiFI is enabled and all was fine.

Now it is not that there is a flight mode switch that is the problem, this is a great feature. The problem is that the user manual only mentions the switch on the diagram of port and buttons. I had stupidly thought that such as switch might be mentioned in the user manual index under WiFI; as far as I could see it was not mentioned at all in the index.

Is it too much to ask for a reasonable index, or do they expect you to read every page of the manual, as everyone knows you only do that, as I did, when all else had failed!
