Upgrading this Blog from CommunityServer 2.0 to 2.1

I have just updated to the new release of CS2.1. All seemed straight forward, I unzipped the distribution, stopped my CS server, replaced the web home directory and then ran the cs_2.x_to_2.1_upgrade.sql script. This is all the readme said to do.

However when I restarted the server and tried to login I got the error (after editing the web.config to report detailed errors)

Procedure or Function 'aspnet_Profile_GetProperties' expects parameter '@TimeZoneAdjustment', which was not supplied.

I did a quick Google and it seems this is commonly seen when moving from .Net 1.1 to 2.0, but we were previously running CS2.0 (a new, default install from the MSI) on .Net 2.0, so it should not have been an issue.

The threads on the support forums at Telligent suggested running cs_ASPNET2_Membership_Schema_Update.sql which is also in the CS2.1 distribution. Some people were commenting running this if already run was a bad idea, but I thought it was worth a try before I rolled back to my CS2.0 backups. So I ran the script and and all seems OK - hence this post.

ps. I do like Windows Live Writer, great for writing a post over a period of time, irrespective of whether you have a connection or not.