Updating GUITester to build using VS.Net 2005 and make use of Test Projects

I have rebuilt the GUITesting framework using VS.Net 2005. No changes really, the built in converter from VS.Net 2003 to 2005 did the job with no errors. At this time I have not done any work to exploit the new features of .NET 2.0.

However, what I have had a look at is integrating the new testing features of VS.Net 2005 Team Developer edition. So in this V2.0 source release you will find a test project, sorry if you not have Team developer edition of VS.Net, just remove the test project when it fails to load!

So how did the integration with a Microsoft Test Project go? In the past I had my own test run EXE to do the testing, it looks for custom attributes that define the tests then runs them, this still work. However, as I wanted to use VS.NET to run the tests, I needed to run my declared tests via a [TestMethod] in a test project. I have written a wrapper to do this which can be seen on the test project. Using this wrapper code in the [TestMethod] the tests run fine, the problem is that all my defined tests appear as a single VS.Net test. Fine if they all pass, but not that helpful debugging. The only other option is to create a [TestMethod] for each test a have in my application under test, not really an options as these tests are user defined and discovered via reflection.

This is where I am up to at present, the new source release can be found at http://www.blackmarble.co.uk/guitester/GUITesterSourceV2.0.zip, the existing PDF manual is still correct for the implementation of tests found at http://www.blackmarble.co.uk/guitester/GUITester Usage Manual.pdf.