Start ++

For a long time ( my time with XP ) , I have used Baden Slick Run to run commands using the keyboard. For those not familiar with Slick Run you set it up point at application assign a quick name and when you press the windows key + Q , type the quick name and the app starts ( with all appropriate command line params as needed ). There is a new version of Slick Run which runs on vista and a newer version written in .NET ( I knew these guys had good taste ) , but recently Brandon Paddock who is a SDE/T on the search team at Microsoft has released Start ++ which allows you add short cuts to the instant search box ( windows key and type ) such as devenv :). While Slick Run has point at running app and lots of well thought out UI parts which make it rock , the integration of Start ++ to windows is top and it has the most important feature a check box to allow you to run the application elevated ( devenv ). Now if Baden and Start ++ could merge :)

have a look and be impressed
