Geek Migration Patterns

it is now the time that Geek's start their migration away from their temporary home , back to their regular nesting locations. I think watching the migrating geek is fascinating and I have been following this timid species for several days and here are my findings.

The natural instinct of the geek is to flock in a fixed pattern which is actually a representation of the layout of the caffeine molecule ( hence the term a caffeine of geek's )

At the start of the Gathering the geek's decorate them selves in plumage designed to help them gather more freebies and the prized "Goodie", I have seen many geek's bedecked in bright orange SQL Server 2005 shirts in the hope of getting the Bose Speaker Goodie and many in hats looking for the free mobile "Goodie". Some geek's decorate themselves with plumage from previous gatherings such as PDC or TechED 2001 in the hope of getting a mate ( highly unlikely )

During the gathering the Geek's have been feeding on freebies to keep them through the winter and have stocked up despite the lean pickings, most have done well. This can only be achieved if the geek if ample application of caffeine and chocolate ( which has been missing from the gathering ground this year ) is available.

Just before the trip home the geek will under go several important stages , each essential to the survival of the geek

The Shedding occurs suddenly normally near a public bin/trash can, where the geek will divest him/her self of any remaining flyers , party invites or light-weight/worthless giveaways. This process is essential to allow the geek to physically move enough to get home, in some unfortunate cases , the geek will refill on more freebies and can end up stuck for a year until the next gathering occurs. This is also the time when the plumage is discarded or stored for next year.

The waddle happens just before migration when the Geek is full of freebies waiting to fly home , this is a serene time for the Geek giving him/her time to reflect on the time of the gathering,

So long my Geek's , I have enjoyed my time among you in the mists , I look forward to seeing you all next year, fly home geek , fly

