Coming out of sleep mode in Vista

I have been fiddling a bit more on my Vista media center PC and I thought I had a solution to the sleep issues I previously posted about

USB Power

Asus (and I think many other brands of motherboard) default the USB ports to have no power during S3 sleep mode - to save power. This means that you cannot use a USB device to trigger wake up by default. For my Media Center PC (with no PS2 input devices) this meant I had no effective way to trigger a restart, bar the buttons on the case. Even when I used the main power button it seemed that on restart/wake-up there was still no power sent to the USB devices until they were unplugged and plugged back in.

This was all addressed by moving some jumpers on the motherboard so that when in sleep mode the USB device have power, so can trigger a input signal to wake up, ad as they have never been without power they still work after a wake up.

Video Post Tests

After doing the jumper changes for the USB power I was still not get a working restart; basically it seemed I got no video output from the PC.

In the power settings in the BIOS I enabled a video post test on wake up, this seemed to kick my ATI video and/or the TV into life.

So it seems I have a Vista system that can sleep and wake up.

Or so I thought.....................

Once all this was changed I set the PC to record a programme in the middle of the night as test and put it too sleep. Even though it had worked before it now refused to go into sleep mode, the disk spun for a while and then after about 5 minutes it just rebooted. In the event log I found an unhelpful 'failed to sleep eventID 41'.

I wondered if it was due to having a PS2 keyboard plugged in whilst test, or a USB mouse. So I put these back in and it had not effect, also I tried going to sleep with MCE desktop open closed and via a whole variety of different means (buttons on keyboard, start menu etc) . I also updated to the latest BIOS (I was only one rev off and the the new one only seemed to add extra CPU model support). All to no effect

So it seemed I have fixed my wakeup, but now have a going to sleep issue. I will continue digging - unless anyone has any ideas, a look round the Internet seems I am not alone with these problems

ps. Still have problem with the ATI graphic driver and palying DVDs, but ATI have yet to fully release a Vista driver hoepfully we will see one when retail Vista is shipped.