... And Software Development for IT Managers

Richard presented a guide for IT managers and developers on current development methodologies including eXtreem programming, MSF and Scrum and pressed the point of why they are necessary even in a relatively small project.

I presented a guide for IT managers who don't necessarily have a development background on techniques on managing developers and on the other side of the fence a guide for developers on how to be managed.

The general audience feeling was that they could see the reasons for using development methodologies and after the talk most were considering the move.  During the talk on managing developers it was very noticeable the point at which the audience stopped laughing at the various anecdotes and instead realised that they were part of a problem that needed to be fixed. However, the most interesting point in the day was when more than half a dozen different groups approached me and complained that we had used internal information about their companies in the production of the talk and each were shocked that this was just the general state of small group software development.

Best Quote "We scored 4 out of 5 on each page in the Anti-Patterns of Developer Management"
