SPWakeUp (SPWakeUp3)–Wake Up On-Premises SharePoint and WSS Instances

Since I started working with on-premises SharePoint instances, one of the solutions that I’ve used to wake up (pre-compile) the site collections and sub-sites contained within the web applications hosted by the farm is SPWakeUp.

This was originally a solution hosted on CodePlex and provided binaries for SharePoint 2007, then later SharePoint 2010 (the archive containing those can still be downloaded from the CodePlex Archive). I created compiled binaries for SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint 2016 and made those available as well.

I recently had need to use SPWakeUp on SharePoint 2019, so decided to produce a compiled for that version. As SPWakeUp doesn’t seem to have an active home anymore, I thought that it may be worthwhile putting the code and compiled versions on GitHub in case anyone else wants to use them! Note that if anyone objects to this happening, let me know and I’ll pull it down.

At the moment the repository hosts the original source code, the source code upgraded for use with Visual Studio 2019, compiled versions of SPWakeUp for SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2016 and SharePoint 2019 and some instructions on how to compile the source yourself using Visual Studio Community 2019.

I hope it’s useful to someone!