SPWakeUp for SharePoint 2016
If you use SharePoint, you’ll know that some mechanism to wake up the hosted sites after the application pools are recycled overnight is very helpful (essential even) for the end user experience. I’ve compiled a version of SPWakeUp for SharePoint 2016, which can be downloaded from https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=439F1389F21A368F%21496648. If you want to compile this for yourself, this is the method I followed to get the above version:
- Grab a copy of the source code for SPWakeUp from https://spwakeup.codeplex.com/downloads/get/152410 and unpack it.
- Open the solution in Visual Studio (I used Visual Studio 2015) and allow the automatic upgrade.
- Replace the reference to the Microsoft.SharePoint.dll in the solution with one pointing to the SharePoint 2016 version. You’ll want to grab a copy from C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\16\ISAPI on a SharePoint 2016 server.
- Modify the target framework for the application. I used 4.6.1 for the build above.
- Build either the debug or release version.