Microsoft SharePoint Conference 2009: Day 3

A few more highlights from the sessions I saw:

  • The new taxonomy services in SharePoint 2010 look superb. The ability to be able to centrally define terms for use by the end users, along with allowing both open (i.e. read-write to the end user) and closed (i.e. read-only to the end user) term stores looks very promising indeed.
  • Some more of the new features of SharePoint Designer 2010 were demonstrated, including the ability to highlight those sections of a masterpage which when edited would cause the page to become unghosted.  The more I see of the new version of SharePoint Designer, the more I like it!
  • The ability to extract data from Excel workbooks using Excel Services, Web Services, JavaScript OM and REST looks very interesting.
  • Some really interesting things can be done within SharePoint 2010 using jQuery – Dustin Miller showed some simple but extremely useful ideas, some of which I’m now longing to have a play with.

All in all, a very useful 3rd day!