Importing Hyper-V Virtual Machines Used With SCVMM into Hyper-V Manager

I recently ran into an issue importing some virtual machines that had been used with SCVMM into Hyper-V. I needed to export the virtual machines for use with a development environment while still leaving the originals where they were in SCVMM. The procedure I was using was:

  1. Shut down the virtual machines to be exported
  2. Export the virtual machines using Hyper-V on the virtual host
  3. Copy the exported virtual machines to another host not connected to SCVMM
  4. Attempt to import the virtual machines (copy, create a new ID)

This failed with the following error message:

Hyper-V did not find virtual machines to import from location c:\virtualisation\server212

This is because SCVMM adds a security section into the virtual machine xml file which stops the Hyper-V import process. An example from one of the virtual machines I was attempting to import is:


Manually removing the security section from the virtual machine xml file allowed Hyper-V Manager to successfully complete the import process.